"POY yarn, short for Partially Oriented Yarn, is a versatile textile material known for its strength and flexibility. Produced through a process where polyester filaments
DTY yarn, or Drawn Textured Yarn, is a textile material renowned for its softness and elasticity. Created through a process where polyester or nylon filaments are drawn, textured, & twisted.
Knitting yarn is a versatile textile material specifically designed for knitting projects. Available in various fibers such as wool, cotton, acrylic, and blends, knitting yarn .
Fabric checking is a critical quality control process in textile manufacturing where fabrics are carefully inspected for defects, irregularities, or flaws before being used in production.
Unlike traditional printing methods, FABRIC digital printing allows for intricate designs, vibrant colors, and detailed patterns to be easily transferred onto various types of .
FDY yarn, or Fully Drawn Yarn, is a high-quality textile material prized for its strength and smoothness. Produced through a process where polyester or nylon filaments are fully stretched